September 19, 2010

Problem With Child's Cholesterol

Pollution perfluoroalkyl acid compounds proven to improve cholesterol levels in the thousands of children in Virginia, USA. Unfortunately, these materials are also used in making nonstick frying. Perfluoroalkyl acid compound found in nonstick frying in the form of PFOA and PFOS. Both are also produced from the decomposition of compounds used for food packaging, carpets and textile materials antinoda. Experts believe, hazardous substances can enter the blood stream and carried to the liver. Consequently, the ability of the liver to regulate the balance and reduced body fat increases cholesterol levels. Results of blood tests from 1200 children in Virginia, USA showed high levels of PFOA, about 96.2 nanograms permililiter. Whereas the average content of which is still tolerable only around 3.9 nanograms permililiter. But researchers from West Virginia University School of Medicine requires further research to ensure there is a causal relationship in the case. Moreover, the use of these compounds usually have been regulated in a frying pan until it reaches a minimum safe limits


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